W. STANLEY CONOVER PAVILION dlb # 11713 / 02-13
Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the Borough of Deal, 1 Durant Square, Deal,
New Jersey 07723 for construction of the W. Stanley Conover Pavilion, Phillips and Ocean Avenue.
Bids will be received at Deal Borough Hall on March 19, 2013, at 4:00 PM (prevailing time). Bids
properly received and identified will be opened publicly and read aloud shortly after the time due.
New Jersey 07723 for construction of the W. Stanley Conover Pavilion, Phillips and Ocean Avenue.
Bids will be received at Deal Borough Hall on March 19, 2013, at 4:00 PM (prevailing time). Bids
properly received and identified will be opened publicly and read aloud shortly after the time due.
Contract No. 1 Bids shall comply with the contract doucuments for a combined bid for all work
(Single Prime).
(Single Prime).
The bid documents for the proposed work were prepared by Frank J. Tomaino, AIA, Architect, Harrison-
Hamnett Structural Engineers, DLB Associates Consulting Engineers and Leon S. Avakian Consulting
Bid documents dated February 1, 2013 for the proposed work have been filed in the office of the Deal
Borough Hall and can be inspected by prospective bidders during business hours. Bidders will be
furnished a copy of the plans and specifications by the Borough upon proper notice and payment of a
check for Sixty ($60.00) Dollars, refundable to bidders only if documents are returned within 7 days of
Notice of Award of Contract, and payable to the Borough of Deal. Bidders shall receive a PDF of the
plans and specifications by email if requested. Contact deputyclerk@dealborough.com.
Hamnett Structural Engineers, DLB Associates Consulting Engineers and Leon S. Avakian Consulting
Bid documents dated February 1, 2013 for the proposed work have been filed in the office of the Deal
Borough Hall and can be inspected by prospective bidders during business hours. Bidders will be
furnished a copy of the plans and specifications by the Borough upon proper notice and payment of a
check for Sixty ($60.00) Dollars, refundable to bidders only if documents are returned within 7 days of
Notice of Award of Contract, and payable to the Borough of Deal. Bidders shall receive a PDF of the
plans and specifications by email if requested. Contact deputyclerk@dealborough.com.
If Addenda are necessary, they will be issued on or before March 12, 2013.
Bids shall be made on standard proposal forms in the manner designated there, and required by the
specifications, shall be enclosed in sealed envelopes bearing the name and address of the bidder and
addressed to the Borough of Deal / W. Stanley Conover Pavilion, and must be accompanied by the
following in duplicate: (one original/one copy)
specifications, shall be enclosed in sealed envelopes bearing the name and address of the bidder and
addressed to the Borough of Deal / W. Stanley Conover Pavilion, and must be accompanied by the
following in duplicate: (one original/one copy)
1. An Agreement of Surety (Consent of Surety) in which the surety company agrees to post
a performance bond and labor/material payment bond if the contract is awarded to its
a performance bond and labor/material payment bond if the contract is awarded to its
2. A Bid Bond, Cashier’s check or Certified Check, to the order of the Borough of Deal, in
an amount of not less than 10% of the total amount of the bid, not to exceed $20,000.00.
an amount of not less than 10% of the total amount of the bid, not to exceed $20,000.00.
3. A Non-Collusion Affidavit.
4. A Statement of Individuals owning 10% or more of the stock of the bidder company,
corporation, partnership, and joint venture, pursuant to P.L. 1977, C. 33.
corporation, partnership, and joint venture, pursuant to P.L. 1977, C. 33.
5. Department of the Treasury, State of New Jersey, D.B.C. Prequalification Forms (Notice
of Classification) for Bids in excess of $20,000. For Combined Bids, submit Notice of
Classification for all designated subcontractors.
of Classification) for Bids in excess of $20,000. For Combined Bids, submit Notice of
Classification for all designated subcontractors.
6. Other Bid Forms as required by the Supplementary Instructions to Bidders.
No bid may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after the date set for the opening thereof.
Bidders are required to comply with the requirements of P.L. 1975 c.127, relating to affirmative action
requirements of the State of New Jersey and Executive Order No. 11246 entitled, “Equal Employment
Opportunity” as amended by Executive Order No. 11375, and as supplemented in Department of Labor
requirements of the State of New Jersey and Executive Order No. 11246 entitled, “Equal Employment
Opportunity” as amended by Executive Order No. 11375, and as supplemented in Department of Labor
In accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A including, without limitation 18A-27, all Bidders shall comply with the
qualifications established by the Department of Treasury, Division of Building and Construction.
qualifications established by the Department of Treasury, Division of Building and Construction.
The Borough of Deal reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive immaterial informalities
that will enable the Borough to more effectively procure performance of the work contemplated by the
that will enable the Borough to more effectively procure performance of the work contemplated by the